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Designed to Solve the Grid’s Biggest Challenges.

Grid-scale thermal energy storage solutions that proactively manage individual electric water heaters.

The patented software platform integrates with high-tech controllers in real-time, allowing utilities and property owners to manage electric water heaters effectively. Unlike legacy controllers, Armada Power’s 21st-century technology offers millisecond response times that unlock many benefits and applications designed to solve the grid’s biggest challenges.

  • 16+ patents
  • Over 12,000 devices deployed and operating 24/7, 365 in PJM’s RegD fast response frequency and capacity markets
  • 13 active programs across all utility segments
  • Approximately 32,000 contracted units
  • Deployed in 16 states and counting
  • New market entries in 2024

Our History

Founded in 2014, Armada Power commercializes technology initially developed at Battelle Memorial Institute, aiming to utilize underused assets for a cleaner, more reliable power grid. Prioritizing customer comfort, our team innovates solutions for utilities, builders, and real estate owners, leveraging cutting-edge research and technology for multiple uses while meeting end-user needs.



Battelle team achieves proof-of-concept for home water heater networking.


Hawaiian Electric/EPRI test program demonstrates utility value.


Armada Power formally spun out of Battelle. Initial pilot communities come online.


Armada Power is acquired by a Columbus, OH-based energy services holding company.


Armada Power actively operating in multi-family units.


Deployed in IOU and Cooperative utilities to manage demand, TOU rates, and other energy products.


Consumer app launched iOS and Android.


Commercially available cellular functionality, deployed in over ten states and Canada, 17 patents and growing.


Provides emergency grid support in response to extreme weather.

Meet Our Team

Raymond A. Pustinger, CEM, CDSM, CLEP, CLMC
President, CEO

Scott Koehler
Chief Commercial Officer

Jason McCullough
Vice President, Product Technology

Senia Hamwi
Vice President, Finance & Administration

Devon Cordell
Director, Program Management

Dane Wolfe
Director, Product Operations

Dea Goldsmith
Director,  Marketing

Willie Allen
Senior Manager, Data & Asset Utilization

Patrick Bradley
Program Manager

Tom Kaufman
Product Integration Manager

Brad Tracy
Senior Software Developer

Ryan Vackner
Asset Analyst

Mark Musli

Mark Musil
Embedded Systems Developer

Bobbie Burton
Executive Administrative Assistant, Office Manager

Stuart Schare
Strategic Advisor

Eric Rehberg
Strategic Advisor

Mani Vidari
Strategic Advisor

Teresa Ringenbach
Strategic Advisor

Kit Hagen
Strategic Advisor